Meetings & Events
If you enjoy our events, please consider becoming a club member.
Club Nets
An Amateur Radio net or simply "net," is an on-the-air gathering of Amateur Radio operators. Most nets convene on a regular schedule, specific frequency, and organized for a particular purpose; such as relaying messages, discussing a common topic of interest, severe weather, emergencies, or simply as a regular gathering of friends for conversation. It's also an excellent time to test radios, antennas, and equipment.
Our nets are open to all properly licensed Amateur Radio operators. Come in and join us!
2 Meter Net
The club net is every Tuesday night on the 147.180 repeater at 9:00 PM local time. The backup repeater is the Wood County ARES repeater. The net is a casual round table.
Fusion (C4FM) Digital Net
The Fusion Digital net is every Thursday night on the 442.125 repeater at 7:30 PM local time.
10 Meter Net
The 10-meter club net is every Sunday evening at 8:30 PM local time on 28.335 MHz SSB (USB). This net meets in the Novice/Technician voice portion of 10 meters, meaning any licensed operator can join in!
Monthly Meetings
Monthly meetings are for putting faces with the voices we hear on the air. The club holds two types of in-person meetings: club meetings and breakfast meetings. Members, guests, visitors, and those interested in Amateur Radio are all invited to attend.
Meetings are subject to change based on availability and scheduling. See CQ Chatter and announcements on the home page for changes.
Club Meeting
On even number months (February, April, June, August, October, & December), the club meets on the second Monday of that month at the Wood County Sheriff's Office. The meeting begins 7:00 PM with a social half-hour. The business meeting and presentation beginning around 7:30 PM. Presentations offered at the meetings are used to explore aspects of the hobby and expand our knowledge in areas related to Ham Radio.
Sheriff's Training Room
Wood County Sheriff's Office
1960 East Gypsy Lane (at the intersection of Dunbridge and East Gypsy Lane Road)
Bowling Green, Ohio 43402
(419) 354-9137 (Main office)
If your GPS or map service can't find this address, use "[South] Dunbridge Road & East Gypsy Lane Road"
The club holds a breakfast meeting on the second Saturday of each month at Big Boy Restaurant in downtown Bowling Green. Breakfast begins at 9:00 AM. There is no program as this is a social event.
Frisch's Big Boy Restaurant
1006 North Main Street (North Main & Poe Road)
Bowling Green, Ohio 43402
(419) 352-5131
NOTE: as of January 1, 2025 breakfast meetings were moved to the second Saturday of the month.
Kick-off Banquet
January is reserved for the Kick-off Banquet. This gathering is to spend time with your significant other, families, and fellow hams. Time and location will be published on the website and in CQ Chatter.
Traditional location:
Country Farmhouse
117 E Main St.
Wayne, OH 43466
(419) 288-2888
Amateur Radio License Exams
License exam sessions are administered for new licenses and license upgrades prior to the bi-monthly club meeting. For exam information, see the License & Education page.
Foxhunting, or hidden transmitter hunting, is an opportunity to test direction finding equipment, refine direction finding skills, and techniques.
WCARC sponsors a few Foxhunts each year and they typically take place around a club meeting. The Fox will hide somewhere in Wood County and will transmit on a defined frequency at the start of the hunt. The time and frequency will be made available to those participating.
Field Day
ARRL Field Day is not a fully adjudicated contest but a time where many aspects of Amateur Radio come together to highlight our many roles. Some will treat it as a contest. Most groups use the opportunity to practice their emergency response capabilities. It is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate Amateur Radio to local community leaders as well as the general public. For many clubs Field Day is one of the highlights of their annual calendar.
This is an excellent opportunity to bring friends who might be interested in Ham Radio! Pictures of our past Field Day events are on the Pictures page. The official Field Day site can be found at the ARRL. Field Day is always the 4th full weekend in June.
Traditional location:
Wood County Museum
13660 County Home Road
Bowling Green, Ohio 43402
(419) 352-0967
Ham-A-Rama Hamfest
The club is sad to announce that 2004 was the last year for our Hamfest, Ham-A-Rama, after almost 40 years of sponsoring the event. Thanks to everyone who attended and helped out.
You can search for other Hamfests and Conventions.