Licensing & Education


License Exam Testing Sessions

The Wood County Amateur Radio Club conducts Amateur Radio testing sessions on even number months (February, April, June, August, October, & December) on the second Monday of that month at the Wood County Sheriff's Office. This is an in-person session beginning promptly at 5 PM.

Exam Candidates

Information on study guides and how to prepare can be found further down on this page.

Testing Location

Sheriff's Training Room
Wood County Sheriff's Office
1960 East Gypsy Lane (at the intersection of Dunbridge and East Gypsy Lane Road)
Bowling Green, Ohio 43402
(419) 354-9137 (Main office)
If your GPS or map service can't find this address, use "[South] Dunbridge Road & East Gypsy Lane Road"

Testing happens just prior to our regular bi-monthly meeting, same location starting at 7 PM. All are welcome to join us at our meetings. Consider becoming a WCARC member!

About Amateur Radio

Amateur Radio (also called Ham Radio) is the use of designated radio frequency spectrum for purposes of private recreation, non-commercial exchange of messages, wireless experimentation, self-training, and emergency communication. The term "amateur" is used to specify persons interested in radio technique solely with a personal aim and without pecuniary interest, and to differentiate it from commercial broadcasting, public safety (such as police and fire), or professional two-way radio services (such as maritime, aviation, taxis, etc.).

Sites for more details about Ham Radio:

How do I get my Ham Radio license?

You can get your Ham Radio license in three easy steps:
1. Study the question pools or training manuals
2. Take practice tests
3. Attend our exam session

Question Pools & Training Materials

To obtain an Amateur Radio license or upgrade your current license class, you'll need to be aware of the material that will appear on the exam. The National Conference of Volunteer Exam Coordinators (NCVEC) maintains the question pools for all license classes. The question pools change every few years. If you've put down the books for a while, you'll need the latest questions.

There are three license classes, in successive order: Technician (entry level), General, and Extra. Each license class gives you more privileges and frequencies in which you can operate. The Morse Code requirement was dropped for an Amateur Radio license in 2007 and is no longer given as part of the licensing process. Different study materials are available in a variety of formats for all license classes:

If you desire a training class, check active clubs in your area looking at their newsletter, website, and social media for training class announcements. Alternatively, contact those clubs to see if they're willing to sponsor a training class or know a club that does.

Practice Tests

Once you feel you know the material well enough, you can take sample tests. Question selection on the exams is random. A 74% or higher score is needed to pass the license exams, meaning the maximum wrong is 9 for the Technician and General, 13 for the Extra. Passing a few practice exams will not indicate a candidate's readiness. Constantly achieving practice test scores of 80% or higher indicates a readiness to take the exam.

The following online systems will help track questions and elements a candidate knows well and which ones need work:

Exam Testing Sessions

Once you feel you know the questions well enough and have passed sample tests, you're ready to take your exam.

In the Bowling Green/Northwest Ohio area, you can attend our exam session (details above).

Outside the area, the ARRL VEC is the most well-known FCC certified organization to administer Ham Radio exams and maintains an updated list of exam sessions. The NCVEC provides a complete list of certified organizations to administer exams. Check lists of exam sessions often as they are frequently updated.

Once you've decided on a date and location, contact the Volunteer Exam Coordinator (VEC) to reserve a seat at that session. Even if walk-ins are allowed, it's still a good idea to contact the VEC to verify you have the correct information. We want this to be a good experience. Definitely contact the VEC ahead of time if you have any special needs or any assistance is required in completing the exam, such as a large print edition or require administration of the exam orally. An exam fee maybe required.


Once you've passed your exam and received your license, you're ready to become a WCARC member! Congratulations!

To help you get started in Ham Radio or started with your new privileges, the ARRL offers a wide selection of products you will find useful.