Club Information


Are you an Amateur Radio operator? Live in or frequent the area of Northwest Ohio, Wood County, or Bowling Green? Student, OM, or YL? Interested in radio communications in any mode, electronics, or computers? Looking for an active club? Join the Wood County Amateur Radio Club!

Not yet licensed? We offer exam sessions bi-monthly. Information on ways to study and details about our exam sessions are on our licensing & education page.

Since 1954, The Wood County Amateur Radio Club has been serving the Wood County, Ohio area.


In January of each year, the membership elects the Club Officers. Club officers for 2025...





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Jeff Halsey


Send Jeff a message

Vice President

Doug Perez


Contact Doug on air


Bob Boughton


Send Bob a message


Jim Barnhouse


Send Jim a message

Board Member

Bob Willman


Send Bob a message

Tom Leingang


Send Tom a message

License Trustee

Tom Leingang


Send Tom a message

Club Mailing Address

Wood County Amateur Radio Club
P. O. Box 534
Bowling Green, Ohio 43402


Joining the Wood County Amateur Radio Club is easy. Membership is open to anyone interested in Amateur Radio regardless of license class or interest.

New applicants wishing to join, please fill out the Membership Application. Then, send the application and dues payment to the club's mailing address or bring it to the next club meeting.

Existing members wishing to renew only need to bring membership dues to the next meeting or send them to the club's mailing address.


Membership dues go toward general club expenses, maintaining repeaters, APRS, and club equipment, and finance club events.

Dues are required for new and renewing members each calendar year. Payment can be made in the form of a check made out to "WCARC." Dues payment can be sent to the club mailing address or bring it to the next club meeting.

Membership Level


Regular (Individual)




Senior or Student


Lifetime Membership Requirements

Lifetime Memberships are available to any club member in good standing. The Lifetime Membership may be granted if one or more of the following conditions are met:

1. Payment of 10 times the current annual dues in their qualifying category (individual, family or senior).
2. Members who have made substantial equipment or monetary donations equal to or above 10 times annual dues.
3. Members who have made substantial technical/service contributions to the club.


Lifetime applications must be made by following the procedure shown below:

1. The Lifetime application must be submitted in writing.
2. A Lifetime membership may be awarded provided that all members are notified by mail of the intent to submit an application for Lifetime Membership at the next regular meeting.
3. At the next regular meeting after the submission of an application, a vote of two-thirds of members present shall be required to approve the Lifetime application.

Governing Documents

The Wood County Amateur Radio Club's Constitution and Bylaws are both available online.

Amended: 12/10/2007